Really not worth archiving. Really.

Saturday, May 17, 2008 | Copyright © 2008 Frank Lynch. |






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Leftover slush from a snow storm lies on the street in front of an active hardware store, whose neon sign is completely missing all its tubes.

OK, no, New York doesn't have the remnants of a snow storm still on its streets. We had a lot of precipitation on Friday, but it was rain, not snow. This shot actually dates from February, in 2007. I'm posting this old shot because I recently recovered it from a chip I'd used on a mystically wonderful photo hike: but my external hard drive died hours after trying to transfer the shots, and I saw nothing. This photo is one of perhaps three shots I've been able to dig out. It was taken somewhere in Long Island City (Queens). Queens, New York. | Filed under Businesses and Queens. View My Profile

Me: Frank Lynch

frank dot lynch2 at verizon dot net