Really not worth archiving. Really.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008 | Copyright © 2008 Frank Lynch. |






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Three guys in a row, smiling over the idea of having their photo taken by strangers.

When I go out on a photo hike with friends to other neighborhoods, we often hit places where the locals don't expect tourists and they just cannot. figure. out. why you're there with the big fancy cameras. Generally people are friendly, thinking you might be from the Daily News or something. And they're still pleasant even when they're disappointed (either the concept of people from Brooklyn or Queens visiting the Bronx on a lark is just such a joke, or a natural welcome mat gets thrown out). The guy in the center, running the bodega, was waving us over to shoot him, and gathered other guys to pose along. Spofford Avenue, Hunts Point. The Bronx, NY. View My Profile

Me: Frank Lynch

frank dot lynch2 at verizon dot net