821. Excellence; Poetry; Truth
"The basis of all excellence is truth: he that professes love
ought to feel its power."
Johnson: Cowley (Lives of the Poets)
831. Excellence; Focus
"Those ... who attain any excellence commonly spend life in one
pursuit; for excellence is not often gained upon easier
Johnson: Pope (Lives of the Poets)
859. Complacency; Excellence
"What is easy is seldom excellent."
Johnson: Pope (Lives of the Poets)
1,152. Admiration; Excellence
"Whatever is done skillfully appears to be done with ease; and
art, when it is once matured to habit, vanishes from observation.
We are therefore more powerfully excited to emulation by those
who have attained the highest degree of excellence, and whom we
can therefore with least reason hope to equal."
Johnson: Rambler #122 (May 18, 1751)