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183. Learning: Practicality
"Books without the knowledge of life are useless; for what
should books teach but the art of living? To study
manners however only in coffee-houses, is more than equally
imperfect; the minds of men who acquire no solid learning, and
only exist on the daily forage that they pick up by running
about, and snatching what drops from their neighbours as ignorant
as themselves, will never ferment into any knowledge valuable or
durable; but like the light wines we drink in hot countries,
please for the moment though incapable of keeping. In the study
of mankind much will be found to swim as froth, and much must
sink as feculence, before the wine can have its effect, and
become that noblest liquor which rejoices the heart, and gives
vigour to the imagination."
Piozzi: Anecdotes
1,210. Academia; Ignorance; Learning
"Nothing has so exposed men of learning to contempt and ridicule
as their ignorance of things which are known to all but
themselves. Those who have been taught to consider the
institutions of the schools as giving the last perfection to
human abilities are surprised to see men wrinkled with study, yet
wanting to be instructed in the minute circumstances of
propriety, or the necessary form of daily transaction; and
quickly shake off their reverence for modes of education which
they find to produce no ability above the rest of mankind."
Johnson: Rambler #137 (July 9, 1751)
1,234. Learning (Practicality); The
"If it is necessary for every man to be more acquainted with his
contemporaries than with past generations, and to rather know the
events which may immediately affect his fortune or quiet than the
revolution of ancient kingdoms, in which he has neither
possessions nor expectations; if it be pleasing to hear of the
preferment and dismission of statesmen, the birth of heirs, and
the marriage of beauties, the humble author of journals and
gazettes must be considered as a liberal dispenser of beneficial
Johnson: Rambler #145 (August 6, 1751)
1,408. Learning: Practicality
"Among the sons of learning many seem to have thought of every
thing rather than of themselves, and to have observed every thing
but what passes before their eyes: many who toil though the
intricacy of complicated systems are insuperably embarrassed with
the least perplexity in common affairs; many who compare the
actions, and ascertain the characters of ancient heroes, let
their own days glide away without examination, and suffer vicious
habits to encroach upon their minds without resistance or
Johnson: Rambler #180 (December 7, 1751)
1,652. Learning: Practicality;
"No man can become qualified for the common intercourses of life,
by private meditation; the manners of the world are not a regular
system, planned by philosophers upon settled principles, in which
every cause has a congruous effect, and one part has a just
reference to another."
Johnson: Adventurer #131 (February 5, 1754)
1,796. Knowledge; Learning
"Between falsehood and useless truth there is little difference.
As gold which he cannot spend will make no man rich, so knowledge
which he cannot apply will make no man wise."
Johnson: Idler #84 (November 24, 1759)