92. Respect
"Surely, it is much easier to respect a man who has always had
respect, than to respect a man who we know was last year no
better than ourselves, and will be no better next year."
Boswell: Life
459. Families; Respect; Virtue
"Domestic discord ... is not inevitably and fatally necessary;
but yet it is not easy to avoid. We seldom
see that a whole
family is virtuous; the good and evil cannot well agree; and
the evil can yet less agree with one another; even the virtuous
fall sometimes to variance, when their virtues are of different
kinds and tending to extremes. In general those parents have
most reverence that most deserve it: for he that lives well
cannot be despised."
Johnson: Rasselas [the princess Nekayah]
Note: If you haven't read it yet, please read this note of caution regarding quotes from
1,814. Moral Instruction;
Respect; Wealth
"In civilized society, personal merit will not serve you so much
as money will. Sir, you may make the experiment. Go into the
street, and give one man a lecture on morality, and another a
shilling, and see which will respect you most."
James Boswell: Life of Johnson